Thursday, December 10, 2009

Nativity Scene

This is my Nativity Scene, it is a tradition in Mexico to put at least one in every house on Christmas time. Marie, my daughter, and I have been doing it for 14 years, since she was 5 years old. We have been painting 3 or 4 wood figures each year since then. Este es mi nacimiento (Belén), es una tradición en México tener por lo menos uno es la época Navideña. Marie, mi hija y yo lo hemos hecho desde hace 14 años, desde que ella tenia 5. Hemos pintado 3 o 4 figuras de madera por año. Here are some close ups so you can enjoy it better. Aqui unos acercamientos para que lo disfruten.
The figures were taken from a Book illustrated by Jane Ray. Las figuras las saque de un libro ilustrado por Jane Ray.


  1. Hola amiga!!!!
    Felicitaciones por tu pesebre/belen/ nacimiento/ portal!
    Te invito a visitarme en Edredones de Patchwork y Algo más para que veas mi colección de Nacimientos!!!
    Que Dios te Bendiga siempre y un fuerte abrazo desde Venezuela!!!!

  2. Thanks for your kinds words. I can now finally leave you comments as well as I was "dying" to do, but the Internet in China wouldn't let me. I love your Nativity Scene; it's beautiful and what's even more important, it's become a tradition in your family. I think there's nothing more important than family traditions. Don't you agree? Merry Christmas to you and yours. Vreni

  3. Just love your nativity. It is wonderful to have such great traditions. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
